Why has E-Factor launched the new Start-Up Academy?

Well, as the saying goes, ‘fortune favours the bold’ and E-Factor can testify that over the years, 1000s of clients have taken our advice, and after doing their homework have set up very successful businesses, continued to turn a heathy profit and have developed into the fully fledged entrepreneurs that our town should be proud of.
Whilst we deliver support to established SMEs across a wide variety of sectors, E-Factor remains fully committed to the backing of new start businesses and has continued with its acclaimed ‘Be Your Own Boss’ introductory webinars throughout the pandemic. We can help anyone not only assess their appetite for risk but weigh up and appraise the potential rewards. A full business planning exercise helps with this and provides an opportunity to tick-off and explore all the elements that go into making a robust and, most importantly, realistic business model.
Then comes the exciting bit, launching your very own business and developing your ‘brand’ as a badge of honour; something that gives you an identity and says, ‘Look, I am an entrepreneur and I have something of value to offer to consumers and/or businesses!’.
Well, that’s fantastic but once the initial excitement has settled and you need inspiration and structure to drive the business forward, where should you look for impartial advice and support?
The E-Factor Business Start-Up Academy has been born out of this need for a more intensive, tailor made approach to developing a new business. Not just the tried and tested best practices for operating a successful business, but the opportunity to work within a peer group of other businesses and experienced advisors who can stimulate your quest for personal development and help you realise your ambition to make your business the best it can be.
So, if you’re that person who knows you’ve taken the first big step but wants to push yourself faster and harder than your competitors, maybe the new Start-Up Academy at the Business Hive is something you should consider getting involved with.
For more details and to apply for your place in the Academy click here